PortSight Secure Access is the most flexible .NET security component for user management and application access rights management. It is fully compliant with ASP.NET 2.0 provider model, extends the .Net framework security and exposes the functionality through WCF and WSE web services. PortSight Secure Access can be used for securing Web Applications, Web Services as well as WinForms and Silverlight applications.
Key Features:
- User Management
Manage user profiles, passwords and preferences. Organize users into user groups and hierarchical organizational units.
- Authentication
Check user’s identity and password-protect your applications using Windows or Forms authentication.
- Access Control
Control access to your Web site or applications according to user’s roles and permissions.
- Auditing Trail
Track user activities to the log to ensure responsibility and meet legal rules.
- Import from Active Directory
Integrate your .NET applications with Active Directory, Windows domains and existing user databases.
- Roles, Membership and Profile Providers
ASP.NET 2.0 Membership provider authenticates users against a store of users, the Role provider authorizes users to perform actions based on roles they have been assigned and the Profile provider allows the saving of additional user details.
- API Exposed Through WCF/Web Services
Build centralized authority for securing your enterprise applications and authenticating/authorizing users.
- Access Control
You can control access to the whole application, to particular modules, features or files (in ASP.NET) in one line of code.
- Role-Based Security
Roles represent typical users – e.g. Administrator, Editor, Manager. You can define any number of roles for your application and assign users to these roles.
- Permissions
Permission-based security offers a more flexible solution for controlling access. You can define any number of permission types, such as Read, Modify, Delete or Approve. Then you can grant default permissions to roles. When business logic changes later, you can easily modify the permission matrix without recompiling the application.
- Secure any Web Content
You can control access to any Web content (-.doc, -.jpg, etc), not only to ASPX files. The secured area can be specified using wild cards (e.g. /documents/secret/-).
- Auditing Trail
An important feature of the application security is auditing of user activities. It can help you detect attacks and attempts at unauthorized access to secret data and also keep track of data modifications. Last but not least, some laws, including the HIPAA rules, require the auditing trail.
New features:
- Optional protection and managing access control to folders, files and file streams in the web site application.
- Protection against malicious intruders by optional verification of an e-mail entered during registration, see registered users.
- Tracking and monitoring of active users per (web) application.
- Column 'Alias' added to User Groups and Organizational Units list controls in Admin interface.
- Feature "Configure Your App" in Catalog Mnanager now supports latest versions of Visual Studio (2005 / 2008 / 2010).
Catalog Manager supports import with Invalidate membership that no longer exist in the external source.